Our harpoons are made as a set with a Norsaq (throwing stick). We carve our harpoon shafts we do not turn them on a lathe. As a result they are not perfect, but they are made with care to preserve function. Each harpoon shaft is cut and carved from the best quality materials currently available. I oftern use basswood, oak, ash, cherry, and others. The shaft of our standard harpoons tapers from a 2" to 1" diameter. Standard harpoons are around 5'6"long. Length varies based on material density and style. When ordering specify the balance point desired. A harpoon with the throwing stick centered to balance the harpoon will result in a "line drive" throwing trajectory. A throwing stick mounted with the harpoon nose heavy will result in a "mortar" trajectory.

All Parts on the shaft are made from a plastic that is very hard and strong. These parts are sanded to give a bone like appearance. The knob on the back end of the harpoon.
(pictured - The knob on the back end of the harpoon.)

Mountung pegs for the Norsaq

The mounting for the fore shaft.

Chose from 4 available fore shaft shapes copied from locations around Greenland.
(from left to right by location name)
Qornaq, Godthaab, Sukkertoppen, Egedesminde.